find /tmp -user Sudhir (sort as per owner of the file)
find . -type f -name " "
find /app/ -name " " -print
find . -name set* | grep 6001 | - print
find . -size +150000 > log.txt
find . -mtime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \; (days)
find /opt/app/logs -name '*.log' -mtime +90 -exec rm {} \; (same directory has multiple type of files, and want to delete ONLY those with .log)
find /tmp -name '*.log' -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
find /tmp -name '*.log.1' -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
find . -name "*" -size +999999 -exec ls -ltr {} \;
find . -name "*" -exec grep -l "1995383" {} \; (to find an id in a file with in a folder)
Find ten day old files
#/bin/ksh echo "This script will put the names of ten day old files in /tmp in /tmp/checkold.txt file" find /tmp -size 0 -atime +10 -exec ls -l {} \; > /tmp/checkold.txt find /tmp -size 0 -atime +10 -exec rm -f {} \;
Find large files on System
--------- #!/bin/sh # Script to find the big files on a disk. # Defaults and temporary info. # This script send the output to a default printer DiskName=${1:?Disk name not supplied.} TMPFILE=/tmp/$LOGNAME.$$.txt SysName=`uname -n` echo \ "Checking for large files on $SysName $DiskName. " \ "Output will be sent to default printer." echo "\nNewer big files on $SysName $DiskName" >> $TMPFILE find $DiskName -type f -mtime -3 -size +5000 -exec ls -ld {} \; \ 2>/dev/null | sort -n -k 5.1,5 >> $TMPFILE echo "\nOlder big files on $SysName $DiskName" >> $TMPFILE find $DiskName -type f -mtime +3 -size +5000 -exec ls -ld {} \; \ 2>/dev/null | sort -n -k 5.1,5 >> $TMPFILE #change the following line if you want to put output to a file #or anything. lp -onb -olandscape $TMPFILE rm $TMPFILE # End of script
Count files in directory (not hidden one's)
#!/bin/ksh echo * | wc -w
Total Disk space in system in MB.
#!/bin/ksh #This script will return the total disk space in system. df -t | awk 'BEGIN {tot=0} $2 == "total" {tot=tot+$1} END {print (tot*512)/10000 00}'
Total used space in system in MB.
#!/bin/ksh #This script tells total used space in a system df | awk 'BEGIN {tot=0} {tot=tot+$4} END {print (tot*512)/1000000}'
Search for pattern in a file and return total count.
#!/bin/ksh #This script searchs the file passed as first argument to this command line and #prints total number found grep $1 filename | awk 'BEGIN {tot=0} {tot=tot+$1} END {print (tot)}'
This command will find the core files with group name mycomp and delete them while also writing the name of deleted file in mycompcore.
#!/bin/ksh find / -name core -group mycomp -print -exec rm -f {} \; >> mycompcore
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